
Santa Paula has a great little newspaper. It cost $36.00 a year. The delivery is twice a week. About every other Wensday, you can get a free newpaper, sometimes even if you dont subscribe. It talks about alot of local news and sometimes happing around the world.

Student Voice

I think the Student Voice is a great paper here on campus. It not only tells you about VC college but talks about Oxnard & Moorpark College too. Since I have been coming here to VC (this is my second sesmest),  I look forward in reading each new paper that comes out. It talks to about sports, arts & craft, student life, and the web page. You can phone them or you can fax them any time. They are located in Moorpark.

I can recycle it. I can also donate it reclycle companies. I can go on the enternet and find out how to recycle my old phone. I am learning the ideas are endless.

My Draft – paper #1

What is your topic or the problem you hope to address?

That everyone should recycle at home , school, business and at work. I think that if we get into a repeative action that it will just be something natual to do. As a example, just as going to bed and getting up.

This is about three men from Berkley. They believe that the Glen Canyon Dam should’nt have been built and should be torn down. Because it stops the natural flow of the water through the canyon below; that is so beautiful. The dam is located between Utah and Nevada. In the video, it shows Ed Abby and many protesters, protesting the dam. I was so touch when I saw this video. There were also others videos to view, also on this subject. 

What I did over the spring break was catch up on any of my home work. Such as math. And I read a few chapters on my United States History II. I finish reading my book club reading, Into The Wild. I have’nt finish reading a book like that, ever since I was 13 years old. I cleaned my house, went for a walk in the mornings with my husbund. In all, it felt good just to be off.

My concerns are for my city of Santa Paula. It is growing and there is not much land to build in our town. The city counsel gives permission to build apartments around town; that are about three stories high. Some are also built on the edge of the sidewalk. We also don’t have allot of parks, so people cant play their sports. Land is so precious. Where I live, their are building allot of expensive homes; up on the hill behind where I live. People don’t have allot of money to buy these new homes. At the same time they are taking away the homes of wild life, such as the coyotes, skunks, quails and raccoons. We used to hear the coyotes at night far away. Now a days, they are very close.

A quote from “Coming into the Watershed” by Gary Snyder (360). Habitat flows across both private and public land. We must find a way to work with ecosystems that respects both the rights of landowners and the rights of bears.

I think this is true also for the wild animals that live in my commutes. For which they also live here too. So we must find a way an ecosystem to, between the landowners and wild habitat.

“Revolution Green”

Attended January 31,2008

1:30 pm – 3:00pm

DVD w/Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson, movie star, singer; talks about using diesel fuel instead of gasoline (which gives off emissions that pollute our air quality and which is from another country) . Willie talks about how the cycle works between the farmer and the producer of the diesel fuel and to the person using the diesel fuel (such as  truckers).

They show how easy it is to produce the diesel fuel. By dipping the turkey into the cooking oil. Then saving the cooking oil to make the diesel fuel through a process. Willie’s two sons helped produce the diesel that day; to get then home that night. In there diesel fuel car. They show how the money is made here and stays here. And how it so environmental safe to use. Amazing

The Path of the Red and Black Ink

I think the writer jumps around quite abet. She writes allot about her life and her up bringing. From old stories of the pass, too reading to her little sister, when they were younger. She makes think of my husband and his many stories from the past, they sound similar. Anzaldua has many visions in her process of writing. She does it in her sleep; I have a friend that visualizes her art and creating ideas in her sleep. Then she constructs them. In all I think Anzaldua is a good writer. I can relate to her story.

In this course I was shown how to make your Textbook for you. In Everyday Writer, when you open the book, you have a Quick Access Menu. It tells you the topics. Below each topic there is information. On the side of topics there are color coded tabs; in all it shows it has three colors. So that means it has three topics. The taps shows the numbers. On page V its shows how to use the book the best way you can. On (519-520) in the back of the book shows acknowledgments. At the same time it shows what the pages are, so the writer can be acknowledge. Also in the back of the book ther is an Index, it is in apheticaly order. It will help you fine a vocabulary word and its page number. In the back you have a student writing directory. This shows you where you can use this information as a class. And shows in which chapter you can find the information at. There is a web site where you can help you on your writing. The book gives you help if you have some disabilities and what page to go to. There is  page for people that speak different languages, and its page number. There are symbols and what it means. It shows the chapter number. Last but not lease it has a contents. Again it shows the topics of the book, what the chapter contents and page number. Again it is color coded. This book comes with a CD that will also help you in your writing a good paper. In all I have learned in this lesson, that all books are different in making your textbook work for you. In this book it shows plenty.